Our Previous Events


January 11th. 10:30am - 12:00.  Frampton on Severn Village Hall. GL2 7EA

Malcolm White. Exploring Mysteries with the Tarot.

Revealing hidden histories and mysteries of people, ancient places, animals, strange phenomena and world situations and more, on a journey with Tarot and divination cards, a presentation by Malcolm White. 

Malcolm will demonstrate the effectiveness of Tarot and divination cards as a serious and valid method of exploring answers to topics of interest. From the ancient past to the modern world and all things of a mysterious nature, rather than just the traditional personal readings that people are more familiar with. No knowledge of the cards is required by attendees for this presentation.

He will show methods and approaches through examples of his readings since the start of his journey into reading the cards.

Among many to be discussed are readings on, animals, trees, homes, structures, environments, individual motivations, strange, supernatural and unusual phenomena and our own personal experiences of it. Historical events, buying a car, national, world and political events, celebrities and well known persons. Checking on the progress of deceased loved ones in spirit and what to do when spirit beings want to connect through the cards.

Malcolm will also discuss his fascination and connection with the ancient world, the land, standing stones, burial mounds, hill forts, spring wells and holy places.  How using the cards can help reveal, understand and communicate with these places, their histories, stories purpose and importantly their energies and how many suffered in the past, their struggles and how they tell of a greater future.

Malcolm hopes to encourage and inspire others to go off and do their own readings of these amazing places!


December 14th. Whitminster Village hall.

Annual General Meeting followed by our Christmas Meal.

SPECIAL EVENT  November 21st. 7.00pm for 8.00pm start.

Slimbridge Village Hall, St Johns Road, Slimbridge GL2 7DF

Village Magic and Witchcraft. with Prof. Ronald Hutton.

This talk looks at the beliefs and practices associated with magic and witchcraft among ordinary people in England and Wales between 1740 and 1940, the period between the end of the witch hunts the appearance of modern witchcraft, which has traditionally been neglected by historians.

It reveals a rich and flourishing world of charmers and cunning folk, in which the fear of witchcraft also remained very real. It also looks at how and why that world came to an end.

Ronald Hutton is the senior Professor of History in the University of Bristol, the Gresham Professor of Divinity at London, and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, the Society of Antiquaries, the Learned Society of Wales, and the British Academy. He has held a number of public posts and is currently a member of the Conservation Committee of Historic England.

He has published nineteen books and ninety-four essays on a wide range of subjects including British history between 1400 and 1700, ancient and modern paganism in Britain, the British ritual year, and Siberian shamanism.

Doors Open at 7.00pm, Talk Starts at 8.00pm, come down early and grab a drink as the bar will be open from 7.00pm!. Bar and event closes at 10.30pm. Free tea and coffee will be available before and after the talk.

Books written by Prof. R.Hutton will be available to purchase at the event.

As this is a special one off event, the entrance fee will be £10 by ticket bookable through Eventbrite or by contacting Teresa Dellbridge if you are unable to use Eventbrite.

Teresa's contact details are by mobile 07833 752173 or email

 Please get your ticket early as the event will go on public release on the 1st of November.

The Eventbrite link is: 

Prof Ronald Hutton

November 9th. 10:30-12:00. Frampton on Severn Village Hall. GL2 7EA

Guardians of Earth's Energies  - A practical talk by Adrian Incledon-Webber

It may sound a strange title but that is what we humans are, caretakers of the world and in the talk will be looking at how we, individually, or in groups can start to make a difference.

We will, through dowsing, discover and bring healing to the many energies that can affect us and the earth, whether caused by detrimental human emotion or vibrational echoes from the past.

We will also be touching on nature spirits and how, by connecting with them we can bring peace to our gardens and the countryside beyond. The Guardian of the site, or Genus Loki also plays an important part in bring healing to the land and your home.

This is a practical talk so do bring your rods/pendulums with you, and a notebook to jot down thoughts. We will be carrying out a healing session too.

Adrian started Dowsing Spirits some eleven years ago, he is a full time dowser/healer (geomancer), author of two ‘Heal Your Home’ books, described as the bibles of Geopathic Stress, and tutor of various dowsing and healing courses and workshops through the country.

He is a former Vice President of the British Society of Dowsers and past chair of their Earth Energies and Healing Groups.

Adrian Incledon-Webber

Further details on his book, DVD and House Healing work are available on his website.

SPECIAL EVENT  Thursday October  24th. 7:30-9:30pm. Gloucester.

 Meet Outside Cafe Rene in Southgate St, GL1 1TP

There is parking nearby in Longsmith St Car Park GL1 2HH.  Please allow extra time to find parking and be prepared for a certain amount of walking, on smooth, flat areas. Fee £5 cash on the night.

Ghost Hunting with Lyn Cinderey and minder dog.

Lyn tells us:  ‘What drew me to running my Ghosts Walks was the fascination of the history of Gloucester, with the  'alleged ' ghosts in many of the buildings, and also the stories I have heard from local people.

I did a lot of research and went around various places asking questions.

As I became more and more intrigued, and along with my spiritual beliefs and my paranormal experiences for over 40 years now, it sort of came hand in hand along the way.

Things started to happen to me in some of the places I visited and not just in Gloucester.

So I decided to write a book, which I never ever thought I would do, but within 3 months I had written down all that I had encountered and experienced.  So ‘Paranormal Gloucester’, my first book, was published - more serious and sincere accounts of people's experience as well as my own.

I was given the name from local people,’ The Ghost Lady Of Gloucester’.

I ran Gloucester Ghost Walks for 14 years but had to retire through ill health. 

I had taken hundreds of people around the streets of Gloucester in that time, telling stories and showing them buildings and the history behind each building.

 Seven years later,  I decided to write another book all about the funny things that had happened on my walks. ‘Gloucester's Ghost & Giggles’ was published.’

Itinerary:  Bring your rods and pendulums as this is an opportunity for dowsing not normally available.

Meet at Cafe Rene in Southgate St at 7.30pm where Lyn can take us down into the cellars – she says  the energies of this building are amazing.

We will have a walk on all the ‘gate’ streets from the Cross with stories and history along the way.

This may take up to 2 hours , but Lyn reminds us ‘Please be aware I cannot walk fast anymore and may have to stop for a moment. 

I will also have my Assistance Dog with me. She is a rescue dog from Greece and is 6 years old. A very sociable and very gentle dog,  I take her everywhere with me now since I lost my husband in April 2023.’

Lyn is coming out of retirement to bring us this special event.

October 12th. 10:30am-12:00. Frampton on Severn Village Hall. GL2 7EA

What are my Dreams trying to tell me with Rosanne Jacks.

Why do we dream?

Do scientists really know?

Are dreams just the manifestation of our unconscious mind, or is there something else?

Can we use our dreams to better understand and navigate our waking lives?

In this talk, Rosanne will be sharing her insights into the world of dreams.

Using examples of dream experiences, she will be suggesting techniques to better remember our dreams and to access their wisdom and guidance.

Rosanne is a certified Lucid Dreaming Practitioner and Facilitator. She teaches workshops on lucid dreaming and dream interpretation where she helps people understand the meaning of their dreams.

Do come along for a fascinating talk into the world of dreams!

Rosanne Jacks

September 14th. 10:30am-12:00. Frampton on Severn Village Hall. GL2 7EA

Long Straight Lines in the Landscape with Nigel Twinn.


Nigel Twinn has been a dowser for about three decades, originally inspired to be a Ley Hunter having read 'The Sun and the Serpent', like many others.

He joined the BSD in 2000 and helped form the Tamar Dowsers in 2002 - where he has been the somewhat reluctant front-of-house ever since.

He was a Trustee of the BSD between 2010 and 2013, and was given the Bell Award for dowsing literature in 2008 and 2016. 

He enjoys writing, and is the author of six dowsing-related books, as well as many articles in Dowsing Today and elsewhere.

In this presentation, Nigel seeks to describe and clarify some of the many types of long straight lines that run through our landscape. 

This is based on his own experience, but he also acknowledges the seminal platform provided by BSD stalwarts Hamish miller, Billy Gawn and others. 

While the information may remain the same, our understanding of it morphs and expands all the time. 

You don't have to be an earth energy specialist to appreciate the implications of these strange phenomena for dowsing practitioners of all persuasions.

Nigel Twinn

August 10th. 10:30-12:00. Frampton on Severn Village Hall. GL2 7EA

Secrets of the Stone Circles: Light, Sound and Energy with Maria Wheatley.

Maria reveals one of the wonders of the ancient world and shows why stone circles were enclosed by a henge bank.

On certain lunar cycles, an integrated design can produce a beam of moonlight that once coursed across the ground that could gently illuminate a stone or an individual member of the priesthood. This light phenomenon was activated at several key points of the lunar cycle that produces extraordinary effects on earth and megalithic energy. 

Maria will demonstrate how earth energies imbue standing stones that is released in a form of aerial energy - and reveals experiments that prove this.

This explains why the ancients carved certain megaliths in a particular manner to enhance the emissions that Maria believes can be healing, soothing and calming.

Sound frequencies have been recorded by Maria's team that show strange anomalies are often present.

There is far more to a henge monument that meets the eye and Maria delves into the mysteries of the past to show a lost wonder of the ancient world.


Maria is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father and Chinese geomants.

Maria is the UK’s leading authority on earth energies and ley lines that were skilfully incorporated into megalithic sites.

Maria runs tours to sacred sites worldwide to experience Gaia’s numerous energies.

Maria is an accomplished author of many books on sacred sites, dowsing, past life astrology.

She discovered the Neolithic longheaded long-lost civilisation of the British Isles that had a mythical appearance and memories of them were woven into legends of the Fey.

Maria has recently discovered that certain geodetic energies correspond to healing musical harmonics – the Music of the Earth that flows into sacred sites…

She has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University and works closely with Gaia’s healing energies that can help the body to heal itself.

Maria is also a Druid who follows the Celtic Path and she has also written many diploma courses and runs EsotericCollege.com that offers certificated courses on holistic subjects.

Maria teaches advance dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world.

Maria Wheatley

Maria’s websites.

LANDING PAGE mariawheatley.UK

Maria’s Email mariawheatley@aol.com

July 13th. 10:30-12:00. Whitminster Village Hall.

Map Dowsing  with Ken Sheather.

Ken came to Cheltenham in 1967, to join the Dowty Group as an engineer, in which career he progressed steadily, becoming Works Engineer in 1992.  

During that time he met George, a colleague who introduced him to dowsing by setting some tests, in which he was successful. 

Ken joined the BSD for a few years, went to the conference at RAC in Cirencester and met engineers he had made contact with regarding his Dowty projects. 

Ken joined Cheltenham Dowsers in 2010 shortly after Chris Farrell established the group. Soon after he became treasurer then additionally assistant chairperson. 

He is still Treasurer, but has been the Chairperson as well for a few years.

Ken will explain the dowsing process, outlining several tests based on actual projects he solved initially by map dowsing before visiting site.

The reason for the dowsing is still valid, and can be authenticated, as the pipes and cables located are still there.   

In his talk Ken will also include case studies (successful or not), his account of joining the BSD, meeting many well-known dowsers, some of whom taught him new approaches, two interviews on Radio Gloucestershire, Cheltenham Dowsers and much more.

Led by Ken, we will then progress to an exercise in map dowsing, to increase our skills. 

Map dowsing seemed a natural progression from walking the ground; Ken was taught by a local dowser called John Cuninghame, and brings his trained, scientific and practical skills into the art of dowsing, to create tangible results.

In this presentation, Ken offers us the opportunity to strengthen refine our own dowsing abilities.

June 8th. 10:30 - 12:00.  Whitminster Village Hall.

A Journey to the Megaliths of Ireland. A Talk by Jayne Tovey.

Jayne has become passionate about Gloucestershire's Stone Stiles Project since 2021.
Life was tough in the Covid Years, but Jayne found solace and strength walking in the countryside, and connected with the stones which she received messages from. 

She has branched out with her dowsing and communication to include stones at sacred sites. She has followed her intuition and heart, and been on quite an extraordinary journey visiting many megalithic sites in Ireland. 

She will share  with you  lots of beautiful photos of stunning sites and information about megaliths. 

What they are, what they were used for, what properties the stones have and what spiritual messages the stones give us in the amazing prehistoric rock art. 

And also the messages, given to her, so relevant in these times.

Jayne Tovey2

May 11th. 10:00 - 12:00. Field Trip to Cam Peak.

An interesting spot to dowse with many discoveries.

Cam Peak

April 13th. 10:30 - 12:00. EGM followed by Susan of Crystal Catalyst.

I'm a qualified crystal healer and ghostwriter. 

Books include: The Little Book for Crystal Lovers and The Crystal Healing Journal (as Astrid Carvel), The Dream Journal (as Anna Barnes), and The Little Book of Angels (as Sophie Golding), all published by Summersdale.

I trained with the Cotswolds School of Crystal Healing and Awareness, and am ACHO registered.

I currently practice in Stroud, Gloucestershire at OwnZone Therapy Rooms.

In 2016 I experienced a heart centre awakening, which led me towards extensive study and practice in crystals and angel card reading, something that I had always been interested in.

Along with the guidance of my angels and spirit team, I'm delighted to be able to share these gifts with you.

My ultimate goal as a healer is to help you to recognize your own intuition and guidance system, to unlock the power of healing that is already within you, and to assist you to feel fully empowered to live your best life.


March 9th. 10:30 - 12:00. Bees, Magnetism and Leys with Jonathan Mitchell.

Ever wondered about Honey Bees?

How they live, their community, what they produce for their survival and how we humans utilise them.  And interestingly of all, how does dowsing and energy come into play with bees.

In this talk we will explore all of this from initially explains the life cycle and community of the Honey bees, showing you their hives and bee keeping equipment, through to fascinating recent discoveries of how the bees utilise leys, Somatic’s (frequencies), magnetism and how we can use Dowsing to work with them.

Additionally, we will talk on how these lessons are now expanding into the understanding of insects, magnetism and how that’s being extended into soils and plants through electroculture.

Jonathan, a dowser for almost 50 years, has been using dowsing in a number of very interesting ways, including working with various agencies to help find missing people. During this time, he has also worked in agriculture, maintaining an active interest in natural environment, archaeology and beekeeping. Through this work with beekeeping, Jon became curious to understand ‘how bees really function?’"

His subsequent research has led him to the science of magnetism. He has gained some fascinating insights into the nature of bees, how they travel and where they site their hives, using the electromagnetic fields around them.
He believes that when we dowse, we connect to the magnetic fields around the Earth and during this talk, he will explain how a better understanding of the magnetic sciences will benefit us all.

It is his belief that the behaviour of bees has a very real bearing on dowsing.

Jonathan Mitchell

February 10th. 10:30 - 12:00. Whitminster Village Hall.

Feng Shui with Gill Hale.          

It’s the year of the Wood Dragon.

What has it got to do with astronomy, alignments, buildings and what’s going on in the World today?

Gill Hale is a retired Feng Shui consultant and Chinese astrologer, if anyone ever retires from being interested in such things.
She has written several books on the subject, her swan song being The Luo Pan Revealed, which translated the multi ringed Chinese compass into English for the first time and demystified how each ring is constructed. 
In her previous life Gill worked in research and education –well earlier on in this life-  and has taught Feng Shui here and in the US to consultants. Her aim is to make complex ideas simple with a dash of humour.
In retirement she chills out on her allotment growing organic veg and fruit when the Moon is in the right phase - but only if it doesn’t get her up too early. 

Gill Hale

January 13th. 10:30 - 12:00. Whitminster Village Hall.

Astrology and the year ahead with Teresa Dellbridge.

 Teresa will take us through the fundamentals of astrology and coming changes  in the cosmic year ahead with the transition of Pluto into Aquarius.
 The well-quoted Age of Aquarius and related matters, with reference to the chart of the UK, and looking at what we can all do to usher in the New Age as an Age of Light.
 Teresa is astrologer for Best magazine.
 She holds the Diploma of the Faculty of Astrological Studies and writes regularly for magazines such as Kindred Spirit.
